Types of Precipitation

This is one of the most important forms if condensation. It is a natural Air cleaner by washing down to the surface pollutants that have risen to the atmosphere.
Defination: Precipitation is a broad term and refers to all forms of water that reach the earth's surface from condensation of water vapour. It occurs in different forms such as dew, rain, snow and sleet.

-Dew: It is a deposit of water drops formed at night by the condensation of water vapour from the air onto the surface of objects such as blades of grass, which are freely exposed to the sky. It forms on clear nights when the air is calm or, preferably when the wind is light.
-Rain: It is falling drops of liquid water that are 0.5mm in diameter or greater. It is common in the tropical region.
-Drizzle: Is a very light rain usually less than 0.5mm in diameter. It usually falls from low stratus clouds.
-Snow: Is a solid form of water falling from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth in the form of ice crystals having a feathery structure. It is common in the Temperate and polar regions.
-Sleet: Is partially melted Snow and forms the Precipitation which falls as snow and rain. It is common in the temperate region especially towards the tropical limits.
-Hail: This is the largest solid form of Precipitation and which are of the size of peas or larger. It is common in cold places in the temperate region. It can be very destructive when it falls on roofs, glass works and any present material and can even be dangerous if it hits man.

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