Why Software Engineers study Mathematics

Math for Software Engineers

 Most often, computer science students complain of math being useless in their Software Engineering or Computer science  course as they claim to never use it in coding or any of their projects. But I want to assure you about being completely wrong.

What is Mathematics 

Mathematics is a Science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement.

Mathematics is the base of all reasoning as math is applied in all domains of life no matter how small it can be (1+1)

Importance of Mathematics in Software engineering

1. The Nature of Mathematics. 

Engineering Mathematics unlike Computer Engineering has an  abstract nature. This nature helps Computer scientists to have a wider level of expertise in approaching and solving each problem. This simply means the compression of Mathematics in Computer science helps students to have a wider field of thought and better problem solving skills.

2. Computer Science and software engineering has a lot of math.

  As the name says Computer Science, it comprises of a lot of math and calculations which turns out to be super complicated for someone who doesn't know mathematics or doesn't practice in mathematics. The study of this math pushes students to at least have a basic level to help them cope and even do very well in computer science and software engineering.

3. Mathematics gives students analysis skills.

 Coding is not a one way process. It demands students to keep coming back to analyse and inspect the code they have written. This is because everyone is bound in making errors when coding.
 In the field of mathematics, students are usually forced to analyse their work. The answers that you might have given are  not always accurate. You need to come back and inspect your formula and also steps followed. You will fix the mistake or errors before reaching out to your final answer. In other words, math prepares students for the tasks of identifying and fixing bugs. Even if there are tools that can do the job automatically, students will still have the comprehension to do a well done job.

4. Mathematics teaches how to utilize algorithms.

An algorithm is a commonly used term in the field of computer science, software engineering and technology in general. It provides a basis under which any program  or application should be created and implemented. In other words it provides with the basis to programming.

Although most people encounter this term for the first time in a computer science and software engineering class,  the truth of the matter is they were introduced to it in a math class. Do you know that a simple equation such as 3+2= 5 is an algorithm?
From such simple equations, students are then introduced to complex algorithms in computer science and Software Engineering.

Most often, Collages and Universities embed mathematics into Computer Science and Software Engineering. However, they rarely inform students why they are doing so or it's importance. They just do this as a basic routine. This makes most students feel short-changed.
In this article, we have made it clear on the application of math principles in Computer sciences and Software Engineering and showed it's importance in understanding and operating with algorithms and other aspects of Computer science. 
Thanks for the short read and be free to read more.

If you have any doubts please let me know

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