U.S special operations Commandos rescued an American hostage during an early morning raid in Saturday 31-10-2020, according to Jonathan Hoffman, assistant to the secretary of defence for public affairs.

''U.S. forces conducted a hostage rescue operation during the early hours of 31 October in Northern Nigeria to recover an American citizen held hostage by a group of armed men'', said Hoffman. ''This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S department of State. No military personnel were injured during the operation'',

It was reported that the unit who conducted the raid is the U.S Navy Seal team 6. They were chosen as ready for the Job over the Delta force because they had more ready assets at the time and very capable for a work well done. They identified the American born hostage as 27-year-old Philip Walton an American Farmer. He lives in  Massalata Niger with is wife and young daughter.

Walton was abducted from his backyard on Monday and taken away by assailants on motorbikes who later took him to the Northern part of Nigeria and asked for a ransom of $1 million as announced by the New York Times.

Approximately 30 SEALs parachuted into the area of the captors' camp after intelligence resources tracked the kidnappers and Marine special operations assets located their position in Northern Nigeria, according to multiple news sources.

It was reported by the ABC News that  during the raid, a short and intense firefight ensued and six captors were killed with the seventh running off. The captors were not Terrorist but could as well sell Walton to a very important group. 

This raid also had the assistance of a huge air assistance for the transportation of troops, assets and the eye in the sky for the excellent work done 

If you have any doubts please let me know

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